Creating sustainable energy when I'm working


Today I was coaching with my magnificent client Inga and during our session I explained that I’m learning how to work with my energy in a more sustainable fashion. The wise Sarah Faith Gottesdiener predicted this lesson for me last year at our moon retreat and I’ve only just started embracing the concept now! 💃🏽

It’s such a challenge from the old incarnation of the PR woman that I was, where it was all go go go, 1 billion miles an hour like Challenge Anneka daily, especially when I was fully bedded into my PR Agency @twenty5thhour. Even now, instinctively I want to go fast and I have to literally force myself to go more slowly. 🦸🏽‍♀️

Listening to my body and working with my rhythm is supremely hard for this overachiever. However, I’ve found  hunkering down and finding a balance is proving to be a much more effective and smarter way to work for me personally. ⚖️ 

I’m actively doing this whilst in the process of coaching my newest clients, writing programs, working on a sustainable expo for next February 2020, managing some special PR projects that I’m totally inspired by and involving myself in ethical jewellery label Couturie. 🙅🏽‍♀️

Alongside the juggle this month you’ll find me vision boarding for 2020, meditating and finding silence to truly connect to myself (thanks for the timely reminder today from my health coach Kate) and to create work that is both meaningful and valuable. I am determined to navigate my energy in a new, much more aligned way from now and into next year. 🌻

I’ve been asking many of my coaching clients the following questions... What do you need to start doing differently in preparation to enter this new decade? What are your goals and dreams for 2020? What are your main lessons and the biggest takeaway from 2019? Feel free to comment below, I’m going to come back with mine when I’ve taken some time! 🌚

Thanks to Ray Burmiston for these stunning photos! ✨